Marcus Marktanner


Refereed Journal Articles

Gouda, M. and Marktanner, M., 2021. Social Welfare and ISIS Foreign Fighters. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, pp.1-30.

Marktanner, M. and Merkel, A., 2019. Conflict and aid dependency–an explorative study motivated by the case of Palestine. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 11(3), pp.253-272.

Gouda, M. and Marktanner, M., 2019. Muslim Youth Unemployment and Expat Jihadism: Bored to Death?. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 42(10), pp.878-897.

Marktanner, M. and Merkel, A., 2019. Hunger and Anger in Autocracies and Democracies. International Journal of Development and Conflict, 9(1), pp.1-18.

Hanafy, S.A. and Marktanner, M., 2019. Sectoral FDI, absorptive capacity and economic growth–empirical evidence from Egyptian governorates. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 28(1), pp.57-81.

Jenkins, D., Marktanner, M., Merkel, A.D. and Sedik, D., 2018. Estimating child mortality attributable to war in Yemen. International Journal of Development Issues.

Gouda, M. and Marktanner, M., 2018. Thank You, Infidels! Social Welfare and Islamic State Recruitment. Social Welfare and Islamic State Recruitment (June 29, 2018).

Marktanner, M., Mienie, E. and Noiset, L., 2015. From armed conflict to disaster vulnerability. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24(1), pp.53-69.

LeFebvre, R. and Marktanner, M., 2014. Did 9/11 change the New York state of mind? Lessons from NYC's leisure and hospitality labour market. Tourism Economics, 20(4), pp.831-848.

Marktanner, M., 2014. The social market economy–Assembled in Germany, not made in Germany. The Euro Atlantic Union Review, 1(0), pp.77-113.

Marktanner, M., Wilson, M. E., 2014. Pancasila – Roadblock or Pathway to Economic Development? Journal of Applied Economics in Developing Countries, 1(1), pp.1-13.

Marktanner, M. and Noiset, L.P., 2013. Food price crisis, poverty, and inequality. The Developing Economies, 51(3), pp.303-320.

Marktanner, M. and Noiset, L., 2013. Social versus conservative democracies and homicide rates. International Journal of Social Economics, 40(4), pp.292-310.

Hanna, M.R. and Marktanner, M., 2013. Legitimacy and market development risks of Sovereign Wealth Funds. International Journal of Public Policy, 9(4-5-6), pp.400-415.

Marktanner, M., Salman, L. and Bekdash, H., 2012. An explorative study in qualitative regime transitions. Journal of International Development, 24(2), pp.152-166.

Marktanner, M. and Salman, L., 2011. Economic and geopolitical dimensions of renewable vs. nuclear energy in North Africa. Energy Policy, 39(8), pp.4479-4489.

Marktanner, M. and Nasr, J., 2009. Potentials of democratization, demilitarization, industrialization, and contraception. Journal of Economic Studies, 36(3), pp.236-249.

Marktanner, M. and Sayour, N., 2009. Does Inequality Prevent Trade Development? A Political-Economy Approach. Trade and Development Review, 2(2), pp.93-105.

Marktanner, M. and Winterberg, J.M., 2009. Consenso de Washington vs. Economía social de mercado. Diálogo Político, 26(1), pp.99-131.

Marktanner, M. and Makdisi, S., 2008. Development against All Odds? The Case of Lebanon. Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, 4(3), pp.101-133.

Marktanner, M. and Nasr, J., 2008. Resource mobilization climates in the world. The Journal of Developing Areas, pp.27-43.

Marktanner, M., 2004. What does General System Theory say about Economic Transition?. Central European Political Science Review, 5(17), p.6.

Marktanner, M., 2002. International Policy Cooperation and Systems Competition. Global Business and Economics Review, 6(1), pp.171-183.

Marktanner, M., 2000. Why do politicians in developed nations prefer foreign trade policy to income redistribution to counteract income inequality resulting from globalisation?. Global Business and Economics Review, 2(2), pp.235-245.


Marktanner, M., Juan Pablo, P., Violeta, H., Andres, N., Pedro, P., 2016. Challenges to Equitable Social Development in Guatemala. Guatemala City: Ediciones Papiro , S. A., Guatemala.

Marktanner, M., 1997. Systemtransformation und Kluberweiterung - Chancen und Risiken der Aufnahme von Reformstaaten in Integrierte Wirtschaftsraeume. Wiesbaden: Gabler (Deutscher Universitaetsverlag).

Book Chapter

Marktanner, M., Noiset, L. P., Merkel, A. D., 2019. Economic Issues in International Conflict Management. In Charity Butcher and Maia Carter Hallward (Ed.), Understanding International Conflict Management (187-202). Routledge.

Marktanner, M., Merkel, A. D., 2019. Ordnungspolitik und Sozialverfassung. In Günther Maihold, Hartmut Sangmeister, Nikolaus Werz (Ed.), Lateinamerika (pp. 432-442). Baden Baden: Nomos.

Marktanner, M., Wilson, M. E., 2018. Wasta in the Arab World: An Overview. In Warf, Barney (Ed.), Handbook on the Geographies of Corruption (pp. 228-246). Cheltenham, UK and Nothampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Marktanner, M., Wilson, M. E., El-Saghir, S., 2016. The Economic Cost of the Arab Uprising on the Lebanese Economy. In Maximilian Felsch and Martin Wahlisch (Ed.), Lebanon and the Arab Uprisings In the Eye of the Hurricane (pp. 119-134). Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series).

Marktanner, M., Wilson, M. E., 2016. The Economic Cost of Wasta in the Arab World: An Empirical Approach. In: Ramady M. (eds) The Political Economy of Wasta: Use and Abuse of Social Capital Networking. Springer, Cham.

Marktanner, M., Calfano, B., Michelmore, C., 2014. Elite-Led Consideration of the Role of Women in MENA Politics - Some Initial Experimental Findings. In Brian Calfano (Ed.), In Assessing MENA Political Reform, Post-Arab Spring (pp. 151-171). New York City: Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington Books).

Marktanner, M., Calfano, B., 2014. Introduction (Chapter 1). In Brian Calfano (Ed.), In Assessing MENA Political Reform, Post-Arab Spring (pp. 1-34). New York City: Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington Books).

Marktanner, M., Winterberg, J., 2011. Consenso de Washington vs. Economia Social de Mercado (reprint). In Susanne Kaess and Ivan Velasquez Castellanos (Ed.), Una Mirada a la Teoría, a los Modelos Económicos, a las Bases Conceptuales y al Modelo de la “Economía Social de Mercado” (pp. 101-125). La Paz: Fundacion Konrad Adenauer (KAS), Oficina Bolivia.

Marktanner, M., 2011. The Social Market Economy – Conception and Misconceptions. In Susanne Kaess and Ivan Velasquez Castellanos (Ed.), Una Mirada a la Teoría, a los Modelos Económicos, a las Bases Conceptuales y al Modelo de la “Economía Social de Mercado” (pp. 237-257). La Paz: Fundacion Konrad Adenauer (KAS), Oficina Bolivia.

Marktanner, M., Makdisi, S., 2010. Precarious Consociationalism: Lebanon's Predicament in Promoting Development. In K. C. Roy, A. Medhekar, and Hemant Chittoo (Ed.), Readings in World Development, Globalization and Development: Country Experiences (pp. 191-206). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Makdisi, S., Kiwan, F., Marktanner, M., 2010. Lebanon: The Constrained Democracy and its National Developmental Impact. In Ibrahim Elbadawi and Samir Makdisi (Ed.), Democracy in the Arab World: Explaining the Deficit, Routledge, London, 2010. (pp. 115-114). London: Routledge.

Marktanner, M., 2010. Adressing the Marketing Problem of the Social Market Economy. In Glossner C. and Gregosz, D. (Ed.), 60 Years of Social Market Economy - Formation, Development and Perspectives of a Peacemaking Formula (pp. 170-188). St. Augustin/Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

Marktanner, M. 2008. Germany's Social Market Economy - A Development Model for the Arab world? In Hardy Ostry (Ed.), Freedom and Order for more Justice (pp. 29-30). Amman: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Program Near East / Mediterranean.

Marktanner, M., Sahliyeh, E., Goedeken, S., 2007. Rhetoric vs. Reality in Palestine’s Political Development. In Henner Fuertig (Ed.), The Arab Authoritarian Regime between Reform and Persistence. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Marktanner, M., Nasr, J., 2006. Resource Curse Spillovers in the Middle East. In A. Abdel Gadir Ali (Ed.), Issues in the Design of Development Policies (pp. 205-224). Kuwait City: Arab Planning Institute.

Book Reviews

Marktanner, M., 2019. Exploring the future of Russia's economy and markets: towards sustainable economic development (2nd ed., vol. 95, pp. 497-498). International Affairs/Oxford University Press.

Marktanner, M., 2006. In Demetri Kantarelis (Ed.), Book Review of George A. Petrochilos, Managerial Economics – A European Text, Palgrave McMillan 2003 (3/4 ed., vol. 8, pp. 343-344). Geneva: Global Business and Economics Review.


Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 2008 - Present

Various research reports and facilitated seminars and workshops on social market economics

Food and Agricultural Organization, 2017 and 2019

Background Reports

World Food Programme, 2010

Research Reports and Policy Papers

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, 2004 - 2010

Research Reports and Policy Papers

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2009 - 2010

Research Reports and Policy Papers

Refereed Conference Presentations

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), 40th MEEA/ASSA Annual Meeting, "Dying for Sex - Male Youth Unemployment, Unmarriedness, and Foreign Fighters," Middle East Economics Association/Allied Social Sciences Organization, San Diego. (January 6, 2020).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Gouda, M. (Author Only), Hanafy, S. (Author Only), ISA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, "Democracy, Personal Freedom, and Islamic State Fighters," Singapore. (July 5, 2019).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Gouda, M. (Author Only), Hanafy, S. (Author Only), 94th Annual Meeting of the Western Economics Association International, "Dying for Sex - Sexual Frustration and Expat Jihadism," San Francisco. (July 1, 2019).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Gouda, M. (Presenter & Author), Hanafy, S. (Author Only), Economic Research Forum Annual Meeting, "Democracy, Personal Freedom, Islamic State Fighters," Kuwait City, Kuwait. (March 12, 2019).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Gouda, M. (Presenter & Author), Economic Research Forum Annual Meeting, "Thank You, Infidels! Social Welfare and Islamic State Recruitment," Kuwait City, Kuwait. (March 12, 2019).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Globalization, Social Cohesion and the Rise of Populism, "“The "pure people" and the "corrupt elite": populist trends in Latin America – historical background, comparison and definition," Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Washington. (January 23, 2019).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Merkel, A. D. (Presenter & Author), American Social Sciences Association/Middle East Economics Association Annual Meeting, "Palestine - Conflict and Aid Dependency as a Source of Income?," Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, GA. (January 7, 2019).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Gouda, M. (Presenter & Author), American Social Sciences Association/Middle East Economics Association Annual Meeting, "Thank You, Infidels! Social Welfare and Islamic State Recruitment," Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, GA. (January 7, 2019).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Merkel, A. (Presenter & Author), Yang, M. (Author Only), Conisoft 2018 (6th Edition of the International Conference in Software Engineering Research and Innovation), "The Use of Interactive Socioeconomic Data Visualization for a More Informed Public Debate," Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. (October 25, 2018).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Merkel, A. (Presenter & Author), 93rd Annnual Meeting of the Western Economics Association International, "Palestine - 100% Aid Dependent?," Western Economics Association International, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (June 30, 2018).

Jenkins, D. (Author Only), Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Merkel, A. (Presenter & Author), Sedik, D. (Author Only), 93rd Annnual Meeting of the Western Economics Association International, "The Burden of War on Child Mortality: The Case of Yemen," Western Economics Association International, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (June 30, 2018).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Gouda, M. (Presenter & Author), Allied Social Science Association/Middle East Economics Association Annual Meeting, "Muslim Youth Unemployment and Expat Jihadism - Bored to Death?," Middle East Economics Association, Philadelphia, PA. (January 6, 2018).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Wilson, M. E. (Presenter & Author), 36th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Economic Association, "Wasta - Myth or Reality?," Middle East Economics Association, San Francisco. (January 6, 2016).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Fischer, A. (Presenter & Author), 34th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Economics Association, "After the Dust Settles – What’s the Socioeconomic Dividend of the Arab Uprising?," Philadelphia, PA, January 6, 2014. (January 6, 2014).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Fischer, A. (Presenter & Author), 34th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Economics Association, "The International Community in the Arab Uprising from a Strategic Game Perspective: The Case of Syria," Philadelphia, PA, January 6, 2014. (January 6, 2014).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), The First Saudi International Conference on Crisis and Disaster Management, "From Armed Conflict to Natural Disaster Vulnerability," Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (September 8, 2013).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), 12th International Conference of The Middle East Economic Association (MEEA), "The Arab Uprising –Did Ibn Khaldun See it Coming?," Middle East Economics Association, Speyer, Germany. (March 18, 2013).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Post-ASSA Annual International Conference of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA), "The Arab World’s Democratic Consolidation Perspectives – An Assessment," Middle East Economic Association (MEEA), San Diego. (January 7, 2013).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Hariharan, G. (Presenter & Author), Sixth Southeastern Development Economics Workshop, "The Growth Potential from Financial Inclusion," Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Americas Center and the J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University, Georgia State University. (December 7, 2012).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), The First International Development Conference of Syria 2010, Emerging Role of Civil Society in Development, "Social Market Economy – The German Experience," Syria Trust for Development, Damascus, Syria. (January 24, 2010).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), The First International Development Conference of Syria 2010, Emerging Role of Civil Society in Development, "Will Syria's Social Market Reforms Wither in Droughts?," Syria Trust for Development, Damascus, Syria. (January 23, 2010).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Salman, L. (Author Only), At the Crossroads - Pathways of Renewable and Nuclear Energy in North Africa, "Economic and Political Dimensions of Renewable and Nuclear Energies in North Africa," LSE-Alcoa Foundation Program and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, London School of Economics, London (London School of Economics). (October 16, 2009).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Makdisi, S. (Author Only), 2009 Allied Social Science Association Meeting, "Trapped by Consociationalism – The Case of Lebanon," Middle Eastern Economics Association, San Francisco, USA. (January 4, 2009).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Neaime, S. (Author Only), 2009 Allied Social Science Association Meeting, "The Role of FDI for Economic Development in the MENA Region," Middle Eastern Economics Association, San Francisco, USA. (January 3, 2009).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Makdisi, S. (Author Only), The Sixth Institute for International Development Studies (IIDS) Conference, "Precarious Democracy: The Case of Lebanon," Institute for International Development Studies and University of Technology, Mauritius, Quatres Bornes, Mauritius. (July 15, 2008).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Nasr, J. (Author Only), 13th Annual Meeting of the Economic Research Forum, "A Political Economy Approach to Exchange Rate Misalignments in the Middle East," Economic Research Forum, Kuwait City, Kuwait. (December 17, 2006).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Sahliyeh, E. (Author Only), Second World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, "Do Conventional Autocracy Theories Apply to the Middle East?," The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies, Amman, Jordan. (June 11, 2006).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Nasr, J. (Presenter & Author), The 8th International Conference on the Economics and Finance of the Middle East and North Africa, "Does Overvaluation in the MENA Region Compensate for Poor Socioeconomic and Political Fundamentals?," Lebanese American University, Byblos, Lebanon. (May 22, 2006).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), South Western Economics Association (SWEA) Conference, "Externalities, Redistribution, Political Regime and Economic Development," South Western Economics Association, San Antonio, TX. (April 13, 2006).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society, "Political Regime, Economic Structure, and Political-Economic Empowerment," Public Choice Society, New Orleans, LA. (March 30, 2006).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Arab Planning Institute International Conference on New Approaches to the Design of Development Policies, "Resource Curse Spillovers in the Middle East," Arab Planning Institute, Beirut, Lebanon. (March 20, 2006).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the Business and Economics Society International, "Determinants of Investment Climates," Business and Economics Society International, Flagstaff, AZ. (July 22, 2005).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the Business and Economics Society International, "Inequality and Democratization," Global Business and Economics Society, Flagstaff, AZ. (July 22, 2005).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), 7th International Conference on the Economics and Finance of the Middle East and North Africa, "Determinants of the Investment Climate in the MENA Region," Lebanese American University, Byblos, Lebanon. (May 30, 2005).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), 2005 Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society, "The Effects of Social and Political Conflict on the Provision of Public Capital and Economic Growth," Public Choice Society, New Orleans, LA. (March 10, 2005).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the Business and Economics Society International, "Did Import-Substituting Developing Countries Abuse Dependence Theory?," Business and Economics Society International, Island of Rhodes, Greece. (July 19, 2004).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the Business and Economics Society International, "Fragile Democratization – Please Handle With Care!," Business and Economics Society International, Island of Rhodes, Greece. (July 19, 2004).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the Business and Economics Society International, "Why Do Politicians in Developed Nations Prefer Foreign Trade Policy to Income Redistribution to Counteract Rising Income Inequality from Globalization?," Business and Economics Society International, San Francisco, CA. (July 22, 2000).

Marktanner, M. (Author Only), Weinstein, B. (Presenter & Author), 38th European Congress of the Regional Science Association, "The Importance of Structural Change to Europe’s Commitment to the Kyoto Treaty –Risks and Opportunities from a Political-Economic Point of View," Regional Science Association, Vienna, Austria. (August 21, 1998).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), 3rd Conference of the Latin American Law and Economics Association, "How long does Constitutional Law Survive in Developing Countries?," Latin American Law and Economics Association, Caracas, Venezuela. (June 16, 1997).

Marktanner, M. (Presenter & Author), 5th Convention of the East Asian Economic Association, "Is there a limit in Transition from Plan to Market?," East Asian Economic Association, Bangkok, Thailand. (October 25, 1996).